The Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student



[The Legendary Hero is an Academy Honor Student]

[Translator – Aine ]

[Proofreader – Ash ]


Chapter 26

The boys, now in gym clothes, made their way to the training grounds.

Spread across the vast training grounds were not just their class, but several others as well.

All the classes starting the day with the combat studies session had gathered on the expansive grounds.

Thanks to the sheer scale of the area, there was no overlap in activity radius.

Standing before the students gathered on the dusty terrain was Professor Sena.

Observing from the sidelines was Professor Harrid.

"In combat studies, you'll learn to apply your skills. Any questions?"

Eliana eagerly raised her hand.

"Yes, Eliana?"

"What exactly does training for applying skills entail? Is it any different from our major studies?"

"It's quite different. Let's take sorcery as an example. Eliana, please demonstrate a fireball."

Eliana, both an aspiring magical knight and dual-class, conjured a fist-sized fireball effortlessly.

"Now, how would you apply that fireball to maximize its effectiveness?"

"Well, I'd first enhance its composition with more mana. Then, I'd add damage-boosting effects and other customizations!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoom!

The fireball swelled to twice its original size.

"You can enhance the fireball's efficiency like this!"

"Is that all?"

"What? Oh, I mean, is there a specific formula I should be using here…?"

Professor Sena chuckled warmly at Eliana's fluster.

"Don't worry. Chelsea, your turn."

"Yes, professor?"

"How else could you maximize the efficiency of a fireball?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't think of a better approach than Eliana's."

"I understand. Moving on..."

The sorcery students shifted uncomfortably.

How could it be that even the top sorcery students couldn't answer this question?



"How would you maximize the fireball's efficiency?"

"It's about control. No matter how powerful, you need precise control to optimize efficiency."

"Correct! Five points to Leo for that answer."

The students looked disheartened at the seemingly simple solution.

"In training, many tend to focus on amplifying power rather than mastering control. That's why most struggle with maximizing the efficiency of their attacks in important situations."

As the students lamented their perceived lack of control, they also seemed perplexed.

How could they wield their abilities daily yet struggle with self-control?

"Now, your task for today."

Professor Sena summoned a sylph, a wind spirit.

"If any of you can capture this sylph, I'll award you extra points. Use as many of your abilities as you can."

Motivated, the students attempted to capture the sylph..

But the elusive spirit deftly evaded them.

Despite several attempts, none could grasp the sylph, who moved with agility and grace.

The spirit avoided the students' hands by showing them phantoms, faking its movements.

Even when several students rushed at it at the same time, they still failed to catch it.

"Ugh! It's impossible! That's not even the sylph!"

Cough, cough

Breathless, Carr lay flat on the ground.

"What even is that?"

Chelsea sat down nearby.

"How should I know?"

The sylph, hovering in the air, placed his hand on his waist and cleared his throat.


An Aura of flame swirled.

Leo, poised, dashed towards the sylph.

The sylph attempted to flee with a nonchalant expression.

Leo accelerated, closing the gap between them.

In response, the sylph darted away.

Flames surged from Leo's hand, obstructing the sylph's path.

Anticipating this, the sylph looped around, cutting through the air.

But the wall of Aura transformed into a rope, pursuing the sylph.

Caught off guard, the sylph was taken aback.

But suddenly, he ascended rapidly in an attempt to evade the ensnaring rope.

"Oh you silly sylph! That's cheating!"

Sena scolded him, and the sylph looked apologetic.

It seemed he had miscalculated and done more than he was permitted.

"Well done, Leo, regardless."

Sena applauded.

"As we all just saw, Leo managed his energy efficiently. Combat studies teaches us to apply such management skills in combat situations."

The students of class 5 now understood Sena's point about their control struggles.

Watching from behind, Professor Harrid smirked.

‘I bet Ain is envious.’

In terms of Aura control, Leo was undoubtedly one of the best among the first-years.

"Wow, that was smooth."


A flash of golden Aura lashed out, capturing the sylph with a crackling sound.


Before the sylph could react, he was ensnared once more.

Duran, landing gracefully, shot Leo a glare.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Great work, Duran! Your talent shines as a top student!"

"I'm honored."

Duran addressed the middle-aged teacher.

"Hmm? That's odd. Esteemed professor Harrid, none of your students caught the sylph, yet one of ours did."

Harrid glanced wearily at the flamboyantly dressed middle-aged professor approaching him.

"Aha! I just realized, wasn’t class 5 the lowest in terms of exam averages? My apologies for the unintentional rudeness."

"Don't you have a class to worry about, Sedgen?"

Harrid sighed, observing Professor Sedgen's exaggerated apology.

* * *


Reaper Scans

[Translator – Aine]

[Proofreader – Ash]

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* * *

"Of course! You’re right. Thank you for the reminder. I'm here to instruct!"

Professor Sedgen spread his arms wide.

"Shall we have a competition? Class 1 and 5! No hard feelings, of course! After all, we have three of the year’s top students in our esteemed Class 1! Hahahaha!"

Professor Sedgen chuckled, indicating the three highly-ranked students in the pack of Class 1 students, including Duran.

Leo addressed the two other students.

"Greetings, esteemed classmates of Class 1."

Celia and Chloe, who had been keeping their heads down, glared at Leo with intensity.

But Leo paid their behavior no mind.

"How’s your homeroom professor?"

Chelsea asked, looking puzzled.

"It's Professor Sedgen. He and Professor Harrid started at the same time."

"Professor Sedgen is renowned, just like Professor Harrid."

"He's famous for being the best professor at Lumene."

Unlike Harrid, who had a notorious reputation, Sedgen was held in high regard by many students.

However, among graduating students, Harrid was the most admired professor, followed by Sedgen.

Sena explained that Sedgen harbored a strong rivalry with Harrid because of this.

Upon hearing this, the students in Class 5 strained to watch the conflict, Sedgen provoking Harrid with a variety of instigating remarks.

‘Harrid doesn't even bat an eye.’

‘Sedgen seems rather pathetic somehow…’

Sena noted that Harrid remained indifferent to all provocations.

"Professor Sedgen, considering it's my first class, your sudden challenge is a bit unexpected..."

"Oh, Sena Tilia... No! I meant to say, Assistant Professor Sena!"

Sedgen approached Sena with open arms.

"It's been so long! I've been thinking about you! It's so wonderful to see you as an associate professor!"

"Thank you for your concern."

Sena greeted him with a wry smile.

"Regardless, Assistant Professor Sena! Whether it's your first class or not, unexpected events are the most expected for Lumene students, are they not?"


"Our esteemed students in Class 1 are always prepared for a good, friendly challenge! Isn't that right?"

"Yes, sir!"

“Wow! Impressive!"

Carr chuckled, approaching Class 1 upon hearing Sedgen's words.

Using his unique charm, he teased the students of Class 1 who he had grown close with during the temporary class.

"You're quite the impressive bunch, you esteemed Class 1 students!"

"Do you want trouble?"

"Stop teasing us."

Some of the Class 1 students, including Celia and Chloe, responded sharply to Carr.

But Carr persisted in his teasing.

"What kind of competition do you propose?"

"Wow! You're not backing down! Are you sure? I'm certain Class 5 would lose."

"I don’t think we're concerned with winning or losing."

Harrid's voice was flat.

"The important thing is that students learn from the experience, regardless of the outcome."

"Then your students will learn what it means to lose!"

"Learning to lose teaches resilience and the ability to bounce back. And..."

Harrid smirked.

"On the flip side, they can learn to demonstrate grace in victory."

Impressed, the Class 5 students observed Harrid and his confident words, contrasting with his defeated appearance.

"What Professor Sena said was true!"

"It's clear our homeroom professor deeply cares about us, despite his intimidating demeanor!"

"I have great respect for you, professor!"

Sedgen's smile turned cruel.

"Alright, let's make a bet. The losing class cleans the first-year dorm bathrooms for a month and buys drinks for the winning class!"

Harrid replied calmly, "I don't mind those conditions." 

A scream erupted from the students of Class 5 in response.

"Oh no!"

"How could you agree to that so suddenly?"

"Hey, hey, come on now, guys?"

Carr, who had been fussing a lot, broke into a cold sweat.

"You're my friends, right? Will you take it easy on us?"

"We'll win, no matter what."

"Indeed. And we’ll do it easily, too,” Celia said, brushing her hair back with a cold smile, while Chloe cracked her knuckles and smirked.

"Leo! Chelsea! We're counting on you! Save our class!" 

Carr immediately grinned and clung to Leo and Chelsea.

Leo, the class representative, and Chelsea, known for her performance in the Western exam, were the only ones in Class 5 who could challenge the top students.

"I have no intention of losing,” Leo said casually. 

"Absolutely, a Lewellin sorcerer can't afford to lose," 

Chelsea added while folding her arms.


"So, what event will determine the winner?"

Sedgen grinned at Harrid's question.

"Well, isn't there a traditional Lumene Combat Studies event?" 

"As I suspected.” Harrid sighed quietly.

Tension brewed between Classes 5 and 1.

"No way... He’s not talking about… that, is he?"

"I didn't expect him to suggest that."

"I’ve tried it before."

The students swallowed nervously.

Leo looked puzzled. 

"Sounds like a pretty intense game."

"It's no joke. It's an official event in inter-academy matches,” Chelsea added tensely.

It was clear that if Lumene's pride was at stake in an official event, it would have to be a fiercely competitive game.


When Sedgen clapped his hands, someone from Class 1 handed him a clear ball the size of a fist.

"One of Lumene Combat Studies' traditions! We will determine the winner with a game of Bastera!"

‘Is playing ball that entertaining when you’re being so serious about it?’ Leo mused, puzzled.


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