The Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student



[The Legendary Hero is an Academy Honor Student]

[Translator – Aine ]

[Proofreader – Ash ]


Chapter 25

After witnessing Leo's intense physical regimen, Carr made a swift exit.

In her first training session with Leo, Chelsea sensed that something was amiss.

But it was too late to back out.

Initially resistant, Celia eventually caved and joined Leo's training sessions.

Fortunately, having experienced it before made it somewhat more tolerable for her.

"Hey, does this really work?"

"Yeah, Leo's training is meticulously structured, even if it seems unconventional."

Responding to Chelsea's inquiry as they returned to the women's dorm, Celia wore a deflated expression.

Then, she flashed a mischievous grin at Chelsea.

"Welcome to hell, Chelsea Lewellin."

Chelsea's expression turned fearful at the sight of that grin.

"It's nice to see you two chatting."

Leo’s voice came from behind them.

"Don't be ridiculous! You devil!"

As Leo chuckled and spoke, Celia grabbed him by the collar and shook him with a playful yet forceful gesture.

For some, like him, it was a delightful weekend.

But for others, it felt like a never-ending ordeal, marking the end of their second week at Lumene.

Noticing Chelsea lying on his desk, trembling, Carr asked, "Chelsea, are you okay?"

"No... I'm dying."

"Here. I went to Lumeria yesterday and got a high-quality set of pain relief patches for you."

"For me?"

"Yeah, we're classmates."

Handing Chelsea the patch for muscle recovery, Carr watched her with a slightly moved expression.

He stuck out his palm to Chelsea.

"What's this for?"

"I'll give you a 30% discount, especially for you, my friend."

"I'm going to die, aren’t I?" Chelsea, who threw the pain relief patch back into Carr's face, said coldly.

He playfully slid the parcel back onto Chelsea's desk.

"Come on, cheer up. If you want to become a battle mage, you've got to commit, right?"

"Do you want to join me? I'll ask Leo if we can train together."

"Oh, no. I'm good."

Carr smiled awkwardly, then whispered to Leo, "Why didn't you go easy on them?"

"I was just giving them a taste of what's to come. I gave them a few breaks."

"Is that what you call going easy?"

Carr swore to himself he'd never train with Leo.

"By the way, what's our homeroom professor like?"

Carr, now leaning back on his chair, laced his fingers together and rested the back of his head in his palms.

"I hope she’s a pretty lady professor."


As his words trailed off, the school gate creaked open, and a casually dressed middle-aged man strolled into the classroom with an attendance booklet.

Students, taken aback by his appearance and tired eyes, hurried back to their seats.

With a thud, the man slammed the attendance booklet onto the desk, grabbed a piece of chalk, and wrote his name on the blackboard.

Scratch, scratch, scratch

The faces of the students in class 5 paled as they scanned the name on the board.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Harrid Edmon, your homeroom professor."

He was one of Lumene's most renowned teachers.

He was known for handling the older students, fourth and fifth years. 

His nickname was the wailing wall. 

The professor with the highest expulsion rate at Lumene. 

That was who Harrid Edmon was.

In response to his classmates' unusual reaction, Leo leaned toward Carr, who sat in front of him.

"Is he a famous professor?"

"He's not exactly famous, but he's been at Lumene for almost 20 years."

He swallowed dryly in a hushed tone.

"Many of his students have become heroes, but many have also been expelled. He usually teaches senior students, so I just don’t know why he’d be the homeroom teacher for a first-year class..."

Harrid flipped open his attendance booklet.

"Let's take attendance. Carr Thomas."


"Eliana Laden."


Despite it being a routine attendance call, the students in class 5 grew tense.

Leo's name was the last to be called out of the 45 students.

"Leo Plov."


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Reaper Scans

[Translator – Aine]

[Proofreader – Ash]

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Professor Harrid closed the attendance book with a weary expression.

"Some of you may wonder why I'm teaching first-years."

He lazily slid his hand into his coat pocket, a bored expression on his face.

"The freshmen this year have had higher grades on average than your seniors. That's part of what I love about Lumene."

The students were taken aback by this revelation.

The classroom buzzed with instant excitement.

In the midst of it all, one student raised her hand.

"What's on your mind, Eliana Laden?"

"Are certain professors usually not assigned to first-year classes?"

"That's correct."

"So, is it random who becomes the homeroom professor for a certain class?"

"No, everyone picks the class they want. And this year, I chose yours."

Harrid wasn't just known for expelling students; he also mentored many exceptional ones.

Learning that such a renowned professor had chosen their class filled the students with anticipation.

"Is there a specific reason you chose us?"

"Because you had the lowest average on the entrance exam among all ten classes."

Excitement turned to disappointment in an instant.

"Do you know why I expel the most students, Eliana Laden?"

"N-no, sir."


Professor Harrid's gaze was piercing as he looked at Eliana.

"It's better to weed out those without potential early on and focus on nurturing those who do. Don't you agree?"

Eliana's eyes welled up as she felt the weight of his words, which would send shivers through even the fifth-year students of Lumene.

Except for Leo, the rest of the class held their breath, watching Professor Harrid intently.

Just as tension reached its peak, a woman in her mid-twenties burst into the classroom wearing glasses.

"Ouch! Professor Harrid, scaring your students on day one isn't good!"

After catching her breath, she joined Professor Harrid.

"Hello, class 5! I'm Sena Tilia, and I'll be your assistant professor."

Professor Sena, with her light brown hair and cheery demeanor, was the polar opposite of Professor Harrid.

"Don't worry too much about Professor Harrid! Despite his demeanor, he genuinely cares about his students..."

"Sena Tilia. Follow me outside."

Professor Sena, after comforting the students, was summoned out.

"You haven't changed at all since you were a student. How many times do I have to tell you to adjust that attitude?"

"I'm sorry! I'll work on it! I promise not to do it again!"

Through the slightly open door, Sena's frantic apologies were audible.

"I like her."

"Me too. Even if he’s hard to deal with, at least we’ll have one good personality in the room.”

Carr nodded in agreement.

In their absence, the atmosphere softened.

Soon after, the two professors returned to the front of the class.

"I mentioned I became your homeroom teacher because your average entrance exam score was the lowest, correct?"


As the students replied in a monotone tone, Professor Harrid's expression grew stern.

"In Lumene, your entrance exam scores mean nothing after the first three months."

The students were wide-eyed with surprise.

"No matter what you knew before Lumene, Lumene teaches far beyond that. It's common for first-years to see their grades fluctuate. Top students may see their grades plummet, and vice versa."


Professor Harrid struck the desk.

"Among all of you, one might just snag the top score for the midterm exam."

The classroom erupted into a frenzy.

"But remember, it's both a privilege and a duty for hero cadets to aim for experience in the Hero’s Worlds. Any idea why?"

Chelsea eagerly raised their hand.

"Chelsea Lewellin, what's your take on this?"

"Because we might risk our lives."

"Spot on."

Professor Harrid's tone was icy.

"Over my 20 years at Lumene, I've attended too many students’ funerals."

The sound of nervous swallowing echoed through the room.

"As Lumene students, facing the dangers of the Hero’s Worlds is inevitable. It's perilous. I aim to send only those who can survive. Any takers?"

Professor Harrid's words carried weight.

"I won't hesitate to expel those who can't make the cut before it's too late. That's why I took on students with the lowest grades."

With that said, Professor Harrid handed his attendance book to Sena.

"That's all for now. Get ready for combat studies class. Change into your gym gear and meet me at the training grounds."

With that, Professor Harrid motioned to exit the room.

"Alright, everyone! I'll see you out on the field!"

Sena followed suit, leaving the classroom with a chuckle.

With that, the students retrieved their gym clothes from their lockers and headed to the changing room.

"He's not as intimidating as he seems," Carr remarked upon entering the men's changing area.

"True. When you think about it, Professor Harrid is one of Lumene's most respected,” a classmate walking beside him chimed in.

‘His name was Tide, right?’

Tide, who Leo had managed to recall, continued.

"He's got the lowest student fatality rate."

Deaths among Lumene students weren't uncommon.

It wasn't due to the academy's negligence, but rather the risks associated with pursuing heroism.

Heroes often faced perilous challenges in their quest to save others.

The Hero’s Worlds were fraught with danger, and Lumene's students were no strangers to it.

"Professor Harrid probably just wanted to scare us from the start to remind us of that. Let's buckle up from here on out."

Tide's words prompted a collective nod of seriousness from everyone.

"You look so good in that!"

A soprano voice drifted through the open window.

The boys exchanged solemn glances upon hearing the girls' conversation.

Gathering in the center of the changing room, they whispered amongst themselves.

"Who do you think they're talking about?"

“Maybe Eliana?”

“No, that was Eliana’s voice just now.”

Their banter contrasted starkly with their earlier serious discussion.

"Maybe it's Nella."

When Carr brought up Nella Carven, a slender and beautiful girl, the boys couldn't help but express their excitement.

"That's plausible!"

"Really? I bet Nella has some hidden charm."

Leo chuckled at the overly serious conversation among the teenage boys.

‘They're quite the heroes, aren’t they?’

One might ponder what sort of hero prospects they had.

Leo recalled someone who delved into such silly discussions with the utmost seriousness.

A true hero.

Not just an ordinary hero, but a legendary one.

The “Divine Blacksmith,” Dweno.

‘Why am I always overlooked while he's still revered and remembered?’

Leo couldn't shake off that sense of injustice that washed over him once more.


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