The Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student



[The Legendary Hero is an Academy Honor Student]

[Translator – Aine ]

[Proofreader – Ash ]


Chapter 27

Classes 5 and 1, split into two groups, sat in a circular formation around their respective professors.

"Any volunteers?"

"I think Leo and Chelsea should go!"

The students nodded as Carr raised his hand.

Leo, not just their class representative, but also a standout applicant during the temporary class, had earned respect among his peers.

And Chelsea, hailing from a prestigious hero family and acing the entrance exam, was an obvious choice as well.

"Well, Leo Plov and Chelsea Lewellin. Any objections?"

"I’m fine with that."

"No objections from me either."

"Alright, Carr Thomas, you're in too."

"What? But I think someone else should go instead of me..."

"No objections allowed."

"Yes, sir!" Carr exclaimed and joined the group reluctantly.

"Who's next?"

"I'll go!"

"Count me in!"

Eliana and Tide eagerly raised their hands.

"Eliana Laden, and Tide Markoa. Four spots left."

"I'm in, too."

"Nella Carven."

When Nella expressed her interest in a drowsy voice, the boys scrambled to volunteer.

Being one of the class's most beautiful girls, Nella's participation stirred excitement.

And so, eight other contestants stepped forward.

"I believe we've got our Class 5 representatives, indeed!"

Sedgen gestured with both hands.


A light illuminated the training grounds, outlining a rectangular field.

Simultaneously, mana-created goalposts emerged at each end.

Players representing both teams gathered at the center.

"The game lasts 20 minutes. Winning is an important goal, yes, but fair play is paramount. Let's greet each other."

Sedgen, allowing time for the teams to mingle, took his place as the referee.

“Are you scared yet?"

"We’re gonna crush you."

Celia and Chloe shot a menacing smile at Carr.

A startled Carr sought refuge behind Chelsea.

After exchanging pleasantries, the players gathered at their respective team's center.

Leo was appointed as the captain, upon Chelsea’s recommendation.

"Look at the other Class 1 kids.”

"They’re all from prestigious families."

"They won't handle losing well."

"Weren't the Class 1 students the highest exam scorers on average?" Leo, sporting a blue vest, inquired while others nervously discussed the game plan.

"But isn't experience as knights advantageous for physical activities like this one?"

"What do you mean, Leo? Bastera isn't exclusively for knights. The sorcery and summoning disciplines play a significant role too!" Tide chimed in.

"Why's that?"

"Why? Well..." Tide, slightly slurring his words, repeated, as if trying to recall something.

"Leo, have you ever tried Bastera before?"

"No, not yet."

"You're from the Kingdom of Delad, right?"

"I am."

"Ouch. I'm not familiar with the Kingdom of Delad; it's on the outskirts."

Tide took a deep breath.

"In Bastera, the goal is to score by getting the ball into the opponent's net within the time limit. Simple, except—”


"Alright, time’s up. Captains of each team, step forward!”

Leo stepped up.

Representing Class 1 was Duran.

With a coin in hand, Sedgen turned to Leo.

"Heads or tails?"


Glancing at Duran, Sedgen flipped the coin.

It landed on the back of his hand.

"Tails. Class 1 starts."

Taking the transparent ball handed to him, Duran smiled wryly.

"I'll be running laps around you this time."

Leo brushed off Duran's challenge.

Duran, scowling, returned to his team and handed the ball to Celia.

"Please, continue your explanation."

Leo's request made Tide shout nervously.

"No time for explanations! You’ll just have to experience it firsthand! Here it comes!"



The clear ball turned red, bursting into flames.

"Here we go!"

With full force, Celia hurled the ball.


The ball zoomed toward Leo at tremendous speeds, straight as an arrow.

Leo dodged.



A classmate behind Leo took the hit and tumbled, screaming in pain.


Roll, roll, roll

Celia smoothed her disheveled hair and high-fived her teammates.

Watching his classmate writhe on the ground, Leo asked with concern.

"...Is he going to be okay?"

"For now, he’s at least wearing protective gear... but it hurts like hell," Carr replied wearily.

Tide swallowed hard.

"That’s the other part of Bastera! You can hit your opponent with the ball to score, but if you're hit and can't move, you're out! It's a risky game where even the strongest can lose their lives!"

Now Leo understood why everyone was so tense.

Scoring points mattered, but knocking out opponents was the real victory.

* * *


Reaper Scans

[Translator – Aine]

[Proofreader – Ash]

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* * *

"Awesome! Powerful! Elegant! That's a Zerdinger for you!" Professor Sedgen cheered.

"Harrid! Your team won't stand a chance against mine!"

"We're just getting started."

"Whoosh! There you go! But having Celia gives us a clear advantage! You know the Zerdinger family excels in Bastera!"


At Sedgen's prompting, a Class 1 student raised his hand, seeking clarification.

"What advantage does the Zerdinger family have with Bastera?"

"Excellent question! The most effective means by which you can employ any technique in Bastera is via the addition of a destructive flame attribute! And the Zerdinger family's flame Aura is famous for being the most potent among all human flames!"

He gestured triumphantly towards Harrid.

"You know, one of my first pupils, the Empress of Bastera, hailed from the Zerdinger lineage!"

Sena chuckled as she listened to the explanation.

"We also have a student who practices the Zerdinger’s Blazing Aura.”

Harrid observed Leo catching the ball.

Flames emanated from Leo's grasp.

* * *

‘It’s made of shamanic material?’

Leo, grasping the ball enveloped in his own Blazing Aura, could feel its lack of special properties, casually rolling it on his palm.

The students of Class 1 watched Leo with apprehensive expressions.



"Can you use your abilities to attack or defend?"

"No. You can mark the ball to prevent it from passing through the net, but you can only attack with the ball."

‘So, the ball is your sole offensive tool. It heavily favors you.’

"So that’s how it is?"

While Leo grasped the game's rules, Nella approached the boy who fell, Aura surging.

As a radiant white Aura emanated from her body, the boy's expression eased.

‘Ah? Healing Aura? Quite rare.’

Auras could possess a range of diverse properties. While many strengthen attacks, some, like Nella's, possessed healing capabilities.

"Leo, if you hold onto the ball for too long, you'll lose possession."

"Got it. One more thing. Can we kick the ball instead of using our hands?"

"It doesn’t matter, but your accuracy may suffer."

"I'll take my chances."

Leo tossed the ball into the air and delivered a kick.


Leo's toes ignited with Aura, imparting additional force to the ball.

Combined with his remarkable physical prowess, the ball surged towards the net even faster than Celia's throw.

"Block it!" Celia shouted urgently.

Right then!

Chloe conjured a spell up and out from her body, erecting a thick ice barrier before the net.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ball embedded itself deep into the icy barrier.

"As long as I'm here, you won't score..."

"Is that so?"

Leo, leaping into action, grinned at Chloe and darted towards the net.

In a surprising turn, Class 1 students found themselves at a loss.


In a swift motion, Leo propelled himself towards the ice wall.


A hush fell over the field!

Leo soared, striking the ball stuck to the ice wall with precise kicks.

Punch-! Crack! Punch-! Crack!

The ice barrier shattered, and the ball found its mark in the net.


"Class 5… scores their first point."

Professor Sedgen blew the whistle, his voice raspy.

"As expected of the freshman representative!"

"You're lightning-fast!"

Cheers erupted from the Class 5 students on the sidelines.

‘Indeed, he is quite impressive.’

‘Argh! I let my guard down.’

‘You sneaky one!’

Celia, Chloe, and Duran scowled at Leo.

"Bravo! The first point is crucial!"

Carr gave a thumbs-up.

"Alright! Let's defend against Class 1's attacks. Let’s seize every chance to strike!"

Eliana, the spirited one, raised her hand and cheered.


The atmosphere in Class 5 grew fervent.

"Seemed like a reckless charge, but he outsmarted them to score!"

Harrid shook his head in admiration, while Sena chimed in.

"No, that was strategy."


‘Didn't Professor Ain mention how he had taken the lead during the ship-ride to the entrance ceremony? He also clearly must have studied Chloe Muller's style beforehand.’

Chloe, known for her ice magic and swift defense, could’ve been predicted to be the one to stand guard at the goalpost.

In essence, she was the clear frontrunner to be Class 1's key defensive player.

Leo foresaw this and exploited that insight.

‘He’s quite the strategist for his age.’

Harrid stroked his chin, his eyes gleaming.

Meanwhile, Class 1 initiated their counterattack.

Duran dashed towards Class 5's territory with the ball.


Golden Aura sparked around his body.


Chelsea swiftly caught up, coated with sparks of lightning and wind attributes, both of which enhanced her speed.

"Where do you think you're going?"


As Chelsea persisted, Duran clicked his tongue and deftly passed the ball to Celia trailing behind.


Chelsea was caught off guard.

‘He may lack finesse, but his pass is spot-on.’

Celia, receiving Duran's pass, charged towards Class 5's goal without hesitation.

Students attempted to block her path, but Celia skillfully maneuvered around them.

Suddenly, Leo intercepted Celia’s path.

"Hey there."

"I knew you'd come."

Celia grinned.

"But what now? You seem to be in a tight spot."


"He's surprisingly quick on his feet."

"I think you're missing the point here, aren’t you, Celia Zerdinger?"

Duran, having outpaced Chelsea, leapt over Celia's head.

Despite Chelsea's speed, she couldn't match Duran in a sprint.

Celia and Duran exchanged glances, both wearing frowns.

Though they naturally clashed, they wouldn't sacrifice victory for personal grudges.


Celia passed to Duran.

Leo made no attempt to intercept.

‘What's this? Has he given up?’

Without even attempting to block him, Celia turned her eyes to Leo, wondering.

Instantly, she sensed something was amiss.

“Duran, wait…..”

But before she could react, Duran launched the ball.


"Let’s bring this to a tie!"


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