Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

[Translator – Junseo]

[Proofreader – Valirius]

Volume 10 Chapter 363 - Traces (3)

“If I hadn’t told you, you would never have known.”

“In that case, Mother would have…”

Told the other flag-bearers. Because that was best for the clan.

Mary couldn’t finish her sentence. Now, after hearing what Jin said, she couldn’t be sure that Rosa was truly acting with the clan’s best interest at heart.

The sandcastle that represented her trust for Rosa had fallen.

“…Anyway, I’ve unexpectedly gotten hold of some great information. If I reveal this in the meeting room, it’ll definitely cause chaos in the clan.”

From that moment on, not only Mary and Dipus, but all the flag-bearers would move to find and protect Temar’s tomb. It wouldn’t be just the flag-bearers, either. All the important figures of the council of elders would join as well, especially those like Jordan who still clung to their long-held ambitions.

That was because it was an opportunity to ‘obtain a great achievement’, something that rarely came about.

Though there would be those who stepped forward purely for the sake of the clan, there would also definitely be those who stepped forward to satisfy their desire for fame.

Anyone who found or guarded Temar’s tomb would have their name remembered within Runcandel forever.

“Chaos. Thinking about it, that always seemed to be my role within the clan.”

“That’s why the elders hate you so much.”

Mary’s voice softened.

“Isn’t that the same for you as well?”

“No? There’s a bunch of the oldies that like me. Heh, I hope some order returns after the chaos you cause. I’ll see you at the meeting.”

* * *

Jin, however, didn’t attend the next meeting. He’d left the clan once more using a mission as an excuse to do so.

‘It’s lucky that I had a mission assigned.’

No matter what was brought up at the meeting, the central topic would ultimately be Temar’s tomb.

There was nothing for Jin to gain by attending a meeting where Mary was going to drop a bomb.

‘Would Mary be wondering why I’m not there? But since she would’ve gone ahead with it anyway, there must be chaos in the meeting room by now.’

It was a shame he wouldn’t be able to see it unfold, but he didn’t want to get needlessly caught in a tiring situation.

Jin began to think of heading back soon, since all the players fit to stand on the stage would have finished their preparations and begun to take action.

‘After 10, or maybe 15 days. Returning then should be good. This mission is important in its own right, after all. Ah, I guess rescuing a member of the royal family who’s been kidnapped at a sea fortress isn’t all that impressive for a flag-bearer mission?’

Of course, it wasn’t Jin himself who was taking care of that important mission.

This time as well, it was Bellop Schmitz dealing with it in his stead.

While Jin was worrying if he would be able to take care of it well…

Bellop was in the midst of shouting while searching through all the sea fortresses near Vermont. Shouting about where the hell the rescue target was, that is. The blades of mercenaries that flew relentlessly were just a bonus.

‘Keep it together, Bellop.’

There was another who needed to do the same.

Not a person, but a dragon.

Jin had sought out Tikan to see that dragon awaken.

“You’ve arrived, Young Master.”

“Whoa! It’s Young Master Jin!”


As he entered the residence, Kashimir, Enya, and Jet all simultaneously greeted him. His other companions also gathered and exchanged greetings.

Enya, as always, turned around, asking him to sign her back, and Jin wrote as softly as water on the back of her shirt .

“Why are you always getting those pointless autographs?”

Alisa laughed as Murakan ruffled Enya’s hair.

“Don’t you also have a hobby of collecting those pointless books, Sir Murakan?”

“Alisa, they’re not the same. How can collecting such noble literature ever be pointless? More importantly, this smell… Hmm, Quikantel. Looks like she’s taken good care of making that medicine.”

Murakan said so after flaring his nostrils. There was only one thing he could be referring to when he spoke of medicine.

Ozdok’s core.

After Jin obtained the core, Quikantel stayed up all night every day brewing the elixir. To awaken Julian’s Guardian Dragon, Kaltor.

Though he’d told Picon that he had no interest in elixirs, as much as he was a dragon, Murakan found himself unconsciously licking his lips at the scent.

“Looks like her skills haven’t gotten worse. Quikantel’s elixirs were known to be incredibly effective since old times. Right, how’s that Kaltor kid doing? Is he any better?”

After being rescued, Kaltor had effectively been a corpse.

He was barely breathing, and a skilled doctor barely managed to get a hold of his pulse. His broken bones showed no signs of healing, and his wounds that had barely recovered left scars behind.

Anyone who saw him in that state would have thought he was already dead. A dragon who received a critical wound to their heart would never be able to rise again on their own.

Even Murakan, who was acknowledged as the strongest dragon, suffered a wound to the heart and fell into a thousand-year slumber.

If Jin hadn’t found him in the Storm Castle’s basement, he still wouldn’t have awoken.

“There’s been signs of improvement. However, Quikantel said that since his body is so weak, we must be extremely careful when giving him the elixir.”

Lathry looked at the door with concern. Beyond that door was the room where Misha had healed Murakan in the past.

“In other words, he needs more time.”

“That’s right. But she said there’s no reason why he wouldn’t wake up, so I don’t think you need to worry.”

“Worry? Who would do such a…”

As he was about to complete his sentence, Murakan glanced at Julian who was sitting in the corner. He seemed to have a lot on his mind.

Julian had been sitting there for several days without eating, waiting for Kaltor to wake up.

Jin was going to offer him words of comfort, but stopped himself. No matter what it was he had to say, it wouldn’t be too late to say it after Kaltor recovered.

“Anyway, I don’t see Beris around.”

“Ah, Teacher’s working now. The second branch of Lathry’s teahouse is scheduled to open soon, and it looks like she’ll be working there as the head cook. From what Lathry said, she seems to be quite talented…”

Enya still regarded Beris as her teacher.

Beris, too, had given up on trying to push her away and was teaching her in earnest.

‘From Taimyun Marius’s hunting dog, to the cook of a teahouse…’

Beris was now more accustomed to baking cookies than she had been killing under orders as a hunting dog and a genius mage with a modified body.

‘She was raised as a killing machine since she was young, so I wondered if she would be able to live a normal life. She’s doing it surprisingly well, though.’

She reminded him of Yona, oddly. With the hope that his sister would be able to live a normal life one day as well.

“What about Kuzan?”

“Kuzan went to check up on the Seven-Colored Peacocks… Oh, there he is.” 

Naturally, everyone turned to Kuzan, who had just entered the hallway.

He had both hands full with the Seven-Colored Peacock’s documents, and as soon as he saw Jin, he bowed, causing them to spill onto the floor.


“Hey, hey! That’s why you need to be careful.”

Jet ran over and helped sort out the fallen documents. As Jin saw him make a gesture of a glass being clinked, Jin couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. The two got along surprisingly well.

“Young Master, I was actually going to contact you. You came at a good time. A letter arrived for you.”

There was only one letter Jin expected to be sent to Tikan.

‘It must be Valeria!’


He opened the letter as soon as he received it.

(I’ve discovered the traces of the Cat Tribe. In a forest called ‘Wantaramo’, located in the west of the vassal state of Kiken. I trust that you know that’s not an ordinary forest.

We’ll discuss the details in person. In the southwest of Kiken, by the 19th of September, go to the largest inn.

I’ve also used all the cosmetics. Bring some with you.)

He had been waiting for this for three months.

Valeria kept her promise to find the Cat Tribe.

During that time, the Seven-Colored Peacocks had been searching for the Cat Tribe by deploying as many personnel as possible within the available range, but were frustrated at not being able to find even the slightest clue.

That’s how hard it was to find them. It was thanks to Archival Magic that she was able to find them in just three months.

‘In any case, Wantaramo, she says…? I’ve never heard of that place. What does she mean when she says it's not an ordinary forest?’

Valeria thought Jin would know, but the forest of Wantaramo was an unfamiliar name even after searching through the memories from his past life.

“What did she say? Kiddo, did she find the Cat Tribe?”

“Even if she hasn’t found them entirely, it looks like she's found traces of them. In the Wantaramo Forest, in the west of a vassal state named Kiken. Do you know anything?”

“Wantaramo? Can’t say I’ve heard of it.”

His other companions seemed to have no idea either. Except for one person. Kashimir clapped his hands together, as if to express his remembering something.

“I remember, when I was a prince, I heard my father and ministers talking about a forest called Wantaramo. I’d forgotten about it because I was so young, but it came back to me after hearing the name again. I was about seven or eight then.”

“Oh, small fry. Right, you. You were a member of the royal family, weren’t you? It’s in a vassal state, so it makes sense for you to have heard of it.”

(It’s not an ordinary forest.)

His companions, other than Murakan, were carefully looking at the passage written in the letter Jin placed down.

“It’s unlikely that the emperor and his ministers would have talked about some forest in a vassal state that most don’t even know exists without reason. It seems there must really be something in that forest.”

Jin nodded as Kashimir spoke.

If, as he said, it was somewhere that the emperor could discuss directly with his ministers, then it was by no means an ordinary forest.

“Sir Kashimir, is there anything else that comes to mind?”

“I don’t think… Ah! At that time, the ministers said that negotiations with Wantaramo had failed. Now that I think about it again, it’s a strange memory. The empire’s ministers were talking about negotiating with a vassal state’s forest.”

There was no point in negotiations between the empire and a vassal state’s forest.


The Wantaramo Forest was part of the territory of Vermont, but wasn’t governed by it.

“Kiddo, once you get there, that Aria Owlheart girl will tell you about it. What’s there to be confused about?”

Murakan was correct.

“If she thinks I already know everything, but I don’t know this, then it might be a little embarrassing.”

Jin shrugged, smiling.

Reaper Scans

Translator – Junseo

Proofreader – Valirius


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