I Became the Genius Bastard of a Noble Dark Clan

[Translator – TinTin ]

[Proofreader – leef ]


Chapter 7

‘How in the world?’ 

Thern's movements weren't half bad. No, in fact—they were exceptional.  His grasp of combat fundamentals was so solid it was difficult to believe he was this young. One could easily estimate the rigor of his training from his movements alone. 

On the other hand, the bastard's movements...

‘They were a mess. It was as if he didn't even know the basics of combat.’

But even so...

‘He was strong. Overwhelmingly so.’ 

A realization dawned upon Mellin. 

‘He had completely anticipated the flow of the battle.’

Thern's attacks were powerful and swift, yet none of them could land a hit. Meanwhile, Christian's attacks, sloppy though they were, consistently connected. He had predicted every one of Thern’s moves, either through sheer mental calculation or pure instinct. 

‘Without an innate sense for combat, that should have been impossible.’

But there was another reason, one that truly astounded her. 

‘At the last moment, he targeted the weakest point in Thern’s dark energy and disrupted it.’ 

It was an unbelievable feat. In theory, it was possible, but only with exceptional eyesight, instantaneous reflexes, and a keen sense that wouldn't miss the weak spot, all combined. In practice, it should be nearly impossible. 

‘How could that brat, who hasn't even properly accumulated dark energy, achieve something like that?’

She simply couldn’t believe it. Mellin began to doubt her own eyes. At that moment, only one thought filled her mind. 

‘Is he… a genius?’ 

It wouldn’t be unusual. After all, descendants of the Dark Magic Clan were born with great talent. That's why they were one of the twelve pillars supporting the Magic Empire.

‘Come to think of it, I heard that he was called a genius when he was young. Though it’s hard to believe now.

When someone from a prestigious lineage earned the title of genius, they were truly exceptional. 

‘But the finesse he demonstrated just now... It shouldn’t be possible merely by being a genius.’

Mellin was perplexed. She struggled to grasp the sheer magnitude of talent required to accomplish such a feat. 

‘His talent might surpass Eschid de Baren.’

Eschid de Baren. The ‘de’ middle name indicated he was a direct descendant of the Dark Magic Clan’s main family.  Widely recognized as the most brilliant genius among the Dark Magic Clan's younger generation, Eschid was already considered the family’s next successor. 

‘No, that's too much of a stretch. There's no point in even comparing the two.

Even if Christian were such a genius, it was already too late. While he squandered his time carelessly, his peers were making rapid strides. An insurmountable gap had already formed between them. 

‘He seems to have finally matured.’ Mellin quickly glanced at him. 

The boy was completely engrossed in his training. How many laps had he finished? Twenty? No, probably more than thirty. He’d been running nonstop for an impressive amount of time. His determination surprised her. 

Mellin shook her head. ‘What a pity. It's already too late.’

The timing of when one began their training significantly influenced their ultimate potential. Starting late resulted in an unrefined core and rigid blood vessels, limiting one's progression. Christian was already fifteen. Even by the most lenient standards, he was considerably behind.

‘At best, he might reach an intermediate stage of 3-star—maybe even 4-star. But how long would it take him to reach 1-star? At least a year. No, considering his late start, perhaps well over two years. Plus, there’s also his handicap.’

In the past, Christian had learned dark energy, reaching 2-stars. His incredibly rapid progress had caused a stir even among the Dark Magic Clan’s main family. However, his arrogance and reckless lifestyle led him to lose all the dark energy he had accumulated.

Once dark energy was lost in such a way, regaining it became significantly more challenging. 

‘What wasted talent.’ Mellin clicked her tongue softly as she continued to observe him.

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Reaper Scans

Translator – TinTin

Proofreader – leef

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A few days later.

'I finally reached 1-star.' 

Chris took a deep breath as he entered his room. An additional vessel now existed within his darkness core, one that hadn’t been there before. He had finally achieved 1-star status as a fiend.  

‘It took a long time because I wasn't accustomed to dark energy.’

Indeed, it had been a lengthy process—for Chris, that is. If anyone else had heard him, they'd have been shocked, perhaps even cursed at him. Even a talented individual took at least six months to reach 1-star.

‘It took longer because of those cruddy remnants of dark energy already existing in this body. Without that hindrance, I would have reached it faster.’

Chris gathered dark energy in his hand.

“This feels a bit awkward.”

A faint black energy formed and dispersed in his hand. 

‘I wonder if I can use them together?’

Chris manifested “mana” in one hand and “dark energy” in the other. 

It worked. On one side, the bright energy of light—on the other, the shadowy energy of darkness.

‘It's straining my blood vessels. I can't use both simultaneously in actual combat yet. That will require me to reach a higher level first.’

Chris leaned back in his chair and rang the bell. 

An eerie voice echoed in response. 

[Did you... call for me, Young Master?]

A faint, ghostly figure appeared. No, it wasn't ghostly. It was literally a ghost, a notorious banshee.

Chris cursed inwardly.

‘It's crazy to use a banshee as a maid. Even for the Dark Magic Clan, this is going too far.’

By now, he’d somewhat gotten used to her presence, but the first time he’d seen the banshee appear as a maid, he’d been genuinely shocked.

Oddly enough, she was conventionally attractive and modestly dressed as a maid, which only made it even more eerie. 

‘I have to replace her with a human servant.’

Even in the Magic Empire, employing a ghost as a servant was far from normal.

Originally, his maid had been human. But when Christian—the spoiled good-for-nothing—kept mistreating her, Count Kazar had decided to replace her with a banshee. 

[What… may I… help you with… Young... Master?]

"Get me some juice."

[Would... virgin's blood... juice, be acceptable?]

"...Get me strawberry juice."

[Virgin's blood... juice is… super good.]

"...I said, get me strawberry juice."

Not even fiends actually drank virgin's blood juice. The banshee was trying to make a joke, but coming from a ghost, it hardly felt amusing. 

The banshee giggled, disappearing before reappearing moments later, holding a glass filled with strawberry juice. 

‘At least this is nice,’ Chris thought, sipping the strawberry juice through a straw. ‘This kind of luxury is exactly what I wanted.’

He could get whatever he desired with the snap of his fingers. Everything—from his clothes to bed and food—was exceptional. Except for the fact that his maid was a banshee, it was precisely the life he’d longed for in his previous life. 

'But I can't be satisfied with just this. I'll ascend to the apex of the Magic Empire and bask in the ultimate prosperity.'

And save the world along the way.

With determination, Chris rose from his seat, intending to head to the training ground. Normally, as a somewhat lazy prodigy, he disliked strenuous training like this, but he had no choice but to endure it for his goal. 

'Fight on for prosperity!' Chris silently cheered himself on, heading toward the training ground. However, a voice called out to him before he could leave the mansion.

"Are you going to the training ground again, Young Master?"

Chris turned. He saw a chillingly pale complexion and sharp fangs. It was Cox, the half-vampire butler of Count Kazar’s household.

Though he had the sharp appearance typical of vampires, Cox almost always wore a gentle smile, softening his otherwise intimidating aura. 

"Yeah, I'm heading there now,” Chris replied. 

"I'm worried you might be pushing yourself too hard,” Cox said, shaking his head urgently. "Ah, of course, I'm delighted that you're working so hard, Young Master. I've always believed in you, never giving up, even when others pointed fingers.”

Chris smiled faintly, inwardly scoffing. ‘Huh. What a guy.’ 

The butler was being rather cheeky in his speech. His gaze... he might appear concerned, but what were his true feelings?

"Believed in me?" Chris asked. 


"I never asked you to believe in me, did I? Who are you to believe in or give up on me?"

Cox gasped. Only then did Chris’s changed demeanor truly register. The wretched good-for-nothing was nowhere to be found. Chris’s gaze now held undeniable confidence, his dignity no longer undermined by his previous reckless actions.

Chris’s cold, dignified gaze fixed upon Cox, almost looking down on him. "Be more careful next time."

"M-My apologies, Young Master." Cox bowed quickly, turned, and disappeared.

Chris's expression darkened slightly as he watched Cox leave. ‘Something about that guy smells rotten…’

He decided to keep an eye on him and headed to the training ground.

When Chris arrived, the training ground fell silent. They all kept stealing glances at him. 

‘At least the way these guys look at me has improved slightly.’

After training diligently without causing any trouble, even those who’d glared at him initially started to view him more neutrally. Some even began to harbor friendly feelings toward him.

"Could it be the little bastard has really changed?"

"He’s actually different from before."

However, not everyone shared the same sentiment. 

"This’ll just be a momentary phase at best."

“Just watch. It won't be long before he falls again."

It hadn't even been a week yet—far too short for everyone to change their minds completely. 

Many fiends continued to mock Chris openly. 

"If it weren't for his status, I’d beat that little bastard half to death," one of the fiends loudly cackled. 

But this time, the fiend received a different response than usual. 

"Are you done talking?"

The fiend inhaled sharply, startled to find Chris standing behind him.

"What's your name?"

"...It's Cannon. I'm a squire of the Black Swamp Knights."

Squire was a title given to trainee knights. 

"Alright, Cannon. Say what you said to me again."

Cannon's expression stiffened. 

Chris smiled mischievously. "Why? Is it difficult to say it to my face? Squire Cannon, do you know what people call someone like you?"

Cannon remained silent, visibly tense.

"A coward."

Cannon's face flushed red with anger. "Your words are too harsh."

"Harsh? Do you honestly think someone who mocks me behind my back has any right to say that?” He took a step forward, challenging Cannon. "Draw your wooden sword."

"What...?" Cannon stammered.

"Our honors have both been tarnished, so there's only one proper way to resolve it, isn’t there?” Chris smirked slyly, continuing, "We'll resolve it with strength, like true fiends."

Now, it was time to win over the hearts of these fiends—with strength.

* * *

The unexpected duel stirred up a commotion at the training ground.

"Deputy Commander, over there."

"Let him be."

"What? But..." The fiend, who expected Mellin to intervene, appeared perplexed.

This situation was entirely unlike the previous duel. Although they were using wooden swords, these were still weapons, and there were no restrictions against using dark energy. 

Christian could end up seriously injured.

However, Mellin maintained her cold tone. “He wagered the honor of a fiend, so let him deal with it. If he's strong enough, he'll uphold that honor."

Mellin's gaze remained fixed on Chris as she continued, "And if he's not strong enough, he'll simply have to pay the price."

Truthfully, Mellin was eager to see what would happen. Just what kind of ability would Christian display?

'I must be quite a fool myself,'  Mellin mused, shaking her head slightly. 

Christian may have demonstrated remarkable talent during his previous duel, but why was she starting to get her hopes up?

In truth, she was still bewildered by what she had seen, even doubting her own eyes—because what she’d witnessed was simply too unbelievable.

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