Swordmaster's Youngest Son



Swordmaster’s Youngest Son


[Translator – jhei]

[Proofreader – Eternal]


Volume 8 Chapter 191 - Compass Interception Operation (3)



Light exploded from Jin’s palm.


“The fuck!”



Chukon and Kal’s guards let out curses. Before the Photon Cannon exploded, there were four who tried to stop Jin.

They were all warriors, at least 7-star. Three of the four were stopped by Syris, who hadn’t headed out yet. Their desperation to stop Jin made them forget about her, giving her a window to easily slit their throats open with a dagger.

Jin faced the last one, dodging the swing sent his way and breaking the offender’s neck.


The breaking of bone tickled his palms.

While all of this happened, Chukon, Kal, and their subordinates shouted in agony. Had it been a normal attack spell, Chukon wouldn’t have taken any damage.

He had a defensive spell cast around him from the moment he arrived at that table. Not even an 8-star magician or knight could pierce through that spell. He had always planned to block any such ambush before ripping apart the attacker.

However, it was different for an ancient light spell that didn’t particularly hit a target. The only way to defend against such a spell was to close one’s eyes. 


“God damn it! Kal Zipfel, you insisted…!”

“Chukon! What are you plotting?!”


Acting according to Jin’s expectations, Chukon and Kal suspected each other. Kinzelo and Zipfel’s magicians glared at each other as they gathered mana into their palms. 


Jin packed the compass and thrusted Bradamante towards Chukon’s throat, but the barrier deflected the swing.


‘As I thought, he wouldn’t die so easily.’


Jin spun to strike Kal, but the guards who had been stationed at other tables jumped at Jin.


“For Kinzelo!”


Although this wasn’t part of the plan, Jin shouted these words and parried all of their attacks. Simultaneously…


Syris dropped a smoke bomb. Following the Photon Cannon, a white smoke engulfed their surroundings. 

Before the white smoke covered everything, Jin tossed the compass to Syris and killed every single guard who witnessed it. With every single slash, he could feel the power.

They were all at least 7-star. However, every time Jin made a move, these warriors took heavy damage or lost their weapon. Some even instantly lost their lives. Of course, there was the factor of surprise, but even so, it wasn’t easy to sweep up that many talented knights like fallen leaves. 

Still, there were too many. Only twenty percent of the people on the second floor were normal customers; the rest seemed like peons.





The customers screamed as they scrambled away.


‘Go with them.’


Jin flicked his eyes towards the staircase, and Syris nodded. Now she had to pass the compass to Enya and protect her until she safely escaped the casino.

But would Jin be fine alone?

Syris had no time for such questions. She knew that the person standing valiantly in front of the Zipfels and Kinzelos wasn’t the same person she saw at the Kollon Ruins. 


‘Just how the hell did he train, that monster. I don’t think I can beat him anymore.’


Syris began to scream as well and mixed in with the crowd that rushed down the stairs. There were some witnesses who saw her kill three guards. However, through the smoke, screaming, spell cast, and clashing of swords, none had a chance to chase her.

It all occurred within a few seconds.


‘Once the confusion ends, it’ll take a few more seconds for them to realize that I’m a third party. At most, ten seconds. There are thirty troops from both sides on the second floor…’


He had to clean up as many as possible before they could notice Jin.

Though, the thirty troops weren’t exactly all of them. 

Chukon Tolderer and Kal Zipfel would regain their vision within a minute, and the White Wolf Tribesmen with the Zipfel magicians would arrive from the first floor.


“The item! Ensure the safety of the item!”


The moment Chukon shouted, Jin activated Myulta’s Rune. Then, he sheathed Bradamante and drew his new sword, Lightning Bolt Sigmund.

The blade began to spew cracks of lightning as if it ripped through space. Soon after, a blue flame bursted from the base of the blade. Everyone left in the room naturally hooked their eyes onto Jin.


‘The hell is that?’


They all shared the thought as they stared at the bright white sword emitting fire and lightning. It wasn’t any familiar artillery spell, but the lightning on the sword didn’t look like good news. 

In fact, the culprit held that sword while wearing a black helmet. 


‘I love that I don’t need to hide the Illustrious Bladeworks unlike spiritual energy.’



Jin drove the tip of his sword into the ground, lightning piercing through the ceiling and hitting the floorboards. 

Illustrious Bladeworks, Standard Bolt. No one would even recognize the five-thousand-year-old spell.

The fascinating spell would soon mean that it would be uncounterable. A foreign and strong attack immediately meant that countermeasures did not exist.

For that moment, Jin began to violently swing Sigmund and became a god on the second floor.

Anyone he wanted to kill had to die. 

Crackle! Kzzzt!

Blue lightning split through the smoke, and many humans got trampled by the lightning bolts.

Unlike normal lightning from nature or from magicians, Illustrious lightning bolts had properties like that of a sword; every time a blue flash occurred, either a head flew off or a limb was lost.

Those who tried to go for Jin now had to actively avoid him. 

Taking the appearance of an unidentified vigilante who began to slaughter dozens with an artifact that hunted down contractors, he looked like a god to his enemies.


“Sir Kal! You must escape!”

“What do you mean, escape? The fuck are you saying?! When my vision comes back, I will rip those Kinzelo mongrels apart!”

“Lightning! There’s lightning striking everyone!”

“What does that even mean?!”

“Sir Chukon! It doesn’t seem like they’re an affiliate of the Zipfels! An outsider— Ack!”




Screams of pain continued. The guards failed to even approach Jin as they failed to evacuate even their own leaders. 


“God damn these useless humans. I’ve never seen them do their work properly…”


The White Wolves came up from the first floor, muttering in disapproval. However, as soon as they witnessed the situation on the second floor, they shut their mouths.

They stood in front of the Illustrious Bladeworks doing work on their puny humans. 


* * *

Reaper Scans

Translator – jhei

Proofreader – Eternal

Join our Discord for updates on releases! https://dsc.gg/reapercomics

* * *


However, just like the Orange Tigers at the Yuka-yuka Market, their blood instinctively froze in fear.


‘Th-This was that kid's energy…!’


The two White Wolf tribesmen who first recognized Jin’s eerie energy noticed first. The human striking lightning down from the sky had the same strange scent as the kid they saw before.

And that kid was the monster currently terrorizing the second floor.

However, unlike the Orange Tiger Tribe, they were warriors. The assault general of the entire White Wolf Tribe. 


The White Wolf tribesmen slammed their hammers to the ground.


“Wake the fuck up, you motherfuckers! It’s just one guy! Melto, protect Sir Chukon. Duroka and I will take him down!”

“Listen up, Zipfels! Our alliance is off, but there’s no time for infight. Take down the intruder without hesitation!”


As the wolves raised their voices, the confusion settled. 

Jin noticed one more thing at this moment. 


‘Among the people here, not a single person is stronger than the assault general wolf.’


There may be more outside, but he knew that it held true inside. In that case, the others could take care of the first floor. 


‘I’m sure the first floor is doing well. If Enya just gets to safety, then the others can probably get to safety as well, despite many variables.’


But the first floor was also a ruckus. It seemed like the heated fight rumbled the building from below.


Jin dropped lightning towards the white wolves. 

Although their blood congealed from the instinctive fear, fear only came from knowing the enemy’s strength. Unlike human warriors, they didn’t immediately yield to the Illustrious Bladeworks. They either deflected or absorbed the lightning with their massive metal mallets and continued to charge towards Jin.


“Reveal your identity, human!”

“Why must I?”

“It’s the first time I’ve witnessed this power, but my instincts tell me so. I want to offer your corpse to Javier after an honorable battle!”


Jin smirked.


“Isn’t that instinct telling you to run?”


“I don’t have much time to play and frolic with some cute dogs.”


Even though Jin talked so contemptuously, the beastmen couldn’t get worked up. They challenged Jin by overcoming their fear, but they didn’t really conquer it. Their warrior’s heart and dignity compelled them to fight. The Jin they faced was not a human, but a shadow of a predator that they have never seen.

The energy from his Heart of Light inflated his energy around him.

Badump, badump!

Beneath the Black Cuirass, his Heart of Light began to spin faster and faster.

He could fight the assault general of the White Wolf Tribe with his Standard Lightning, but he had to finish before Chukon and Kal regained their vision.

He had to push his limits a little bit. 


“Take it as an honor, wolves. I didn’t want to use it this early.”



Sigmund swallowed all of the lightning that had been crackling throughout the room. All of the blue bolts flew into the blade, and the entire room lost its illumination.

The fear in their eyes intensified by another level.

Jin hadn’t even made another attack, but their instincts caused their guts to tighten once more.


‘Divine Onslaught. I guess this is my second time using it.’


Illustrious Bladeworks, Divine Onslaught 3rd Form.




Jin stabbed Sigmund through the air, pointing at the beastmen.

From the blade, a massive spear with condensed electric energy flew towards them. 




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